Letter from the President
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. —Isaiah 41:10 NIV These words from the Lord carried us through these past few years: through pandemic, unrest, economic upheaval, war … they stand as bold witness that the darker the world around us has become, the brighter the truth of God’s Word shines...
Faithful to
The Calling
Learn more
2022 annual report
FINANCES & Leadership
Thanks to faithful friends like you, millions of children experienced the hope of God’s Word in 2022, and now it’s time to celebrate! These Stories of Impact share how God’s Word changed lives.
Stories of Impact
Every OneHope Scripture program is designed to meet the heartfelt needs of children around the world — by the most effective means possible each program shares the truth of the Gospel with the young people who receive it. See OneHope’s Year in Review for highlights of how God’s Word was shared with 139 million young people.
2022 In Review
God’s Word is shared in amazing ways! Check out how we’re pioneering digital ministry to reach young people in their moment of need and how printed programs creatively share the unchanging truth of God’s Word.
Program Updates
One of the core values of OneHope is, “We believe that we are accountable to God and man.” View OneHope’s 2022 financials and the accountability measures we uphold. You’ll also be able to read a special word from OneHope Founder Bob Hoskins — don’t miss it!
OneHope Financials
Today, as always, it takes just 33¢ to engage one child with God’s Word. This means every $1 shares Jesus with 3 children and youth. It will be a privilege for OneHope to have your support and prayers today. How many children will you reach with God’s Word?
Give Today
Download the Full Report
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Dino Rizzo Executive Director, Association of Related Churches
I know when I give to OneHope I can be confident in their stewardship and love for children across the globe. This world is better because of the Hoskinses’ and OneHope’s call to continue the Great Commission.
Dr. Bryan Jarrett Lead Pastor, Northplace Church
Through the years, our partnership with OneHope has eternally transformed tens of thousands of children and youth, most of which we will never meet this side of heaven. I am thrilled to have an eternity to get to know each of them by name!
Michael Oh Global Executive Director of The Lausanne Movement
“I celebrate three aspects [of OneHope]: No. 1 — a God-honoring vision; No. 2 — a humble servant’s heart; and No. 3 — a hearty commitment to partnership. These three things have been exemplified in OneHope throughout your history and your impact on the whole world to the glory of God.”
Kevin Palau President/CEO of the Luis Palau Association
“We’re so proud just to be a fly on the wall to see and celebrate and observe how God is using OneHope to reach the next generation, should the Lord tarry.”
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Craig Groeschel Lead Pastor Life.Church
“When I think about all this going on in the world right now, I can’t think of a better place than OneHope with a heart to disciple children through God’s Word.”
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Gordon Robertson President/CEO Christian Broadcasting Network
“Our future is bright, the harvest fields are plenty. Together we can reach this generation, the generation of children on the planet today. We can reach them with the Gospel. We can reach them with the stories of the Bible.”
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Geof Morin President/CEO Biblica
“I think about, of course, the massive reach, the beautiful Kingdom-moving reach of OneHope. But I also think about just the one.”
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John C. Maxwell Founder of Maxwell Leadership
“I’ll never forget the day you laid hands on me and prayed over me — was a life changer. What you’ve done for me, Bob. You’ve done this for leaders around the world. And I am indebted to you.”
We’d love to hear the “why” of you and OneHope. Share your thoughts about your partnership with this ministry and how it has influenced you, too. Thank you!
Program Expenses
Admin and Other Expenses
These words from the Lord carried us through these past few years: through pandemic, unrest, economic upheaval, war … they stand as bold witness that the darker the world around us has become, the brighter the truth of God’s Word shines. • You can see the light shining through in stories like Amaurey’s — you can read how his journey progresses. • You can see God at work to banish the darkness in Veronika’s story from Ukraine. • You can see the light of Christ reaching into the Muslim world in Diame’s story. So much of what the Holy Spirit does through your OneHope ministry is made possible through friends like you, who are faithful to the calling to reach the next generation. This reflects your good stewardship, your commitment to reaching the next generation and your willingness to pray. Thank you for sacrificing so 139 million children could receive God’s Word last year. Through every Book of Hope, every showing of The GodMan film, every presentation of God’s Big Story, you reinforced the promise of Isaiah 41:10, and gave 139 million children and youth the promise that no matter what you are going through, the Lord is with you, and you don’t need to be afraid. As you look over this report, I invite you to celebrate the lives transformed by the Gospel last year. Whether digital, print, or film your OneHope programs are showing the next generation the way to new life in Christ. Thank you for being part of this!
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
—Isaiah 41:10 NIV
Highlights of reaching 139 million children and youth with God’s Word!
60 new translations of existing Scripture programs
70 new programs released or piloted in 2022
More than 72,000 ministry leaders trained
In French-speaking Africa, OneHope Scripture programs are instrumental in leading children, youth, and their families to Jesus and launching new churches that continue to reach out to the next generation.
More than 749,000 children reached — 436 churches planted
The app, created in partnership with YouVersion, is available in 65 languages. This interactive Scripture engagement program is the most popular online children’s Bible.
More than 16 million reached in 2022!
The Bible App for Kids
This online program connects young people with God’s Word and with nearby Christians, often in limited access nations where it may be difficult for teenagers to hear about Jesus.
More than 11.7 million young people reached in 195 countries worldwide
What If It
s True
Our partner churches and ministries all across Asia take advantage of the global commercialization of Christmas to introduce children and youth to the true meaning of Christmas.
More than 8 million children reached with God’s Word
Christmas in Asia
Evangelist and author Joyce Meyer collaborated with OneHope to create this special program to share God’s Word with preteen girls and help them embrace their own worth and value in God’s eyes.
681,000 girls reached with a message of hope!
Created in partnership with leadership expert John C. Maxwell’s EQUIP organization, Lead Today equips teenagers to follow Jesus and become godly leaders for their schools, homes, and communities.
More than 3 million students received God’s Word and trained to become godly leaders
Lead Today
Kids Bible Experience
A feature on the YouVersion Bible app, the Kids Bible Experience helps preteens develop a daily habit of engaging with God’s Word — it is available in two languages.
More than 3 million kids reached
Every OneHope Scripture program is designed to meet the heartfelt needs of children around the world — by the most effective means possible each program shares the truth of the Gospel with the young people who receive it.
Life-to-date church plants: 3,014
Life-to-date installs: 100 million+ worldwide
Life-to-date reach: 24 million+
Life-to-date reach: 71 million+
Life-to-date reach: 1.8 million+
Life-to-date reach: 14.4 million+
Life-to-date reach: 6.7 million+
An abusive father, a neighborhood filled with violence, and friends who influenced him to do wrong things — it looked like Amaurey was headed down a destructive path. Watch how he turns away from hopelessness and toward a life of purpose.
Diame acted out of rebellion against his mother and grandmother. He wouldn’t listen to anyone … until a set of special story cards changed his life. Watch Diame become a role model to others.
New Joy in Christ
Ministry During Ukraine Invasion
Ukraine Crisis Outreach
Catalyze Clubs
Piloted in Kenya, Catalyze Clubs are a multilayered discipleship experience that begins with Lead Today. As teenagers complete the Lead Today program, they’re invited to move on the Catalyze. The clubs are designed to: 1. Give youth the opportunity for continuing education through digital learning; 2. Integrate them into self-led communities of other young believers for encouragement, support, and innovation; and 3. Challenge them to contribute their time and talent to the mission and vision of OneHope, sharing God’s Word with other children and youth.
In limited access regions, digital programs like our What If It’s True? outreach are such an important strategy for getting God’s Word to the next generation! Explore how online outreaches are making a difference.
In countries where ministry is severely limited by cultural norms, government regulations, or persecution against Christians, we have limited access to share the Good News. See how we’re still sharing hope with children in these countries.
Limited Access Nations
Catalyze a Movement
We’re catalyzing a movement to reach every child in every generation with Jesus through His Word. See how we’re encouraging collaboration and leadership development in these ways.
School of Mission
Background 2
Program Highlights
Feed curriculum is for youth pastors and churches to aid in developing Bible literacy in teenagers. We launched several new small-groups series in 2022! Also, OneHope partnered with Zondervan in the release of The Telos Bible, a complete NIV Bible with special features designed to draw teenagers into the Word.
Feed Youth Ministry Resources
Background 1
Latin America is a broad region with many different cultures — and even with a growing evangelical Church, there’s still a desperate need for sustainable children and youth ministries. Our Avivemos (“We’re Building It Up”) project helps the Church value and prioritize children and youth in their congregations. It is a uniquely Latin American strategy for engaging every child and youth in the region with God’s Word by the end of the year 2030 and includes: - Training churches for sustainable outreach programs - Connecting at least 20% of the churches in Latin America for OneHope outreach (that’s 4,653 churches per year for the next nine years!)
Bob and Hazel Hoskins School of Mission, Southeastern University
The Bob and Hazel Hoskins School of Mission focuses on interdisciplinary degree programs with a combination of ministry and marketplace skills that equip students for effective organizational and entrepreneurial leadership. This means young people who have been reached through OneHope and completed Lead Today will have the opportunity to develop job skills and ministry skills and begin reaching their own nations with God’s Word!
The limited access regions signified by the Middle East and North Africa contain many majority-Muslim nations — and other areas that are limited access for missions — where it can be perilous to share the Good News — But children and youth in these lands desperately need to know the Lord Jesus. This is why digital programs like our What If It’s True? outreach are such an important strategy for getting God’s Word to the next generation. What If It’s True? was originally launched in a majority-Muslim nation where it was very difficult for young people to connect with Christians and people were strongly discouraged from attending a Christian church or event.
The digital program, advertised online and through social media, offered teenagers the opportunity to explore the answers to their deepest questions and spiritual needs through the lens of Scripture — and also gave them the opportunity to begin online discussions with local believers. The program was so successful that it was rapidly exported to other countries — in the Muslim world and beyond. To date, What If It’s True? has reached more than 24 million young people, and in 2023 our faith goal is to interact with 13.6 million children and youth.
One in three Ukrainians are now internally displaced or refugees. OneHope partners are sharing the hope of the Gospel with them and providing for their urgent needs. We’re accomplishing this across three areas:
Giving God’s Word
Helping vulnerable children
Equipping the church
Churches in Ukraine, Russia, and neighboring countries are assisting the population and the government with evacuation efforts, housing, and food distribution. Working with our local partners, we are helping provide this holistic crisis response.
“Our presence at the border, hot tea and sandwiches, free transportation and lodging, warm words of comfort, and physical help testify about God’s love and care.” —Pentecostal Union of Moldova
“Your funds have allowed churches to purchase food, mattresses, bedding, and sanitary items to accommodate internally displaced people. God knows that we are grateful beyond measure!” —Ukrainian Baptist Union
“We are seeing people confess Christ as their Savior and seeing a powerful witness of the Church ministering to those in need.” —Ukrainian Pentecostal Union
Their apartment building was destroyed in the bombing — Veronika, her mom, and her grandmother took shelter in an underground bunker … where they spent 50 days without ever venturing above ground or seeing the sunlight. A OneHope ministry partner came to help with evacuations — but Veronika could hear the cacophony of combat outside … and she was terrified to leave the bunker. Thankfully, the love of Jesus, extended to her and her family, gave her the courage to leave the shelter. Now as she and her family take the next steps in their journey to relocation and safety, Veronika also has God’s Word in the Book of Hope to give her comfort.
Hope for Veronika
Ukrainian children are suffering with fear, confusion, and emotional trauma as a result of the war. Your OneHope team is now developing a program to help address the trauma. This special-edition Book of Hope is designed to meet the heartfelt needs of children ages 7-11, and will tell the life story of Jesus from the Scriptures with extra sections that address five major emotions, help children identify them, and process them in a healthy manner. A similar program was developed for children caught up in the Syrian refugee crisis. We worked on the Survivors Book of Hope with our partners at Biblica, which is also helping with the new program, along with clinical psychologists and regional representatives.
Trauma Informed Resources
With your support and prayers, OneHope launched the Feed curriculum for youth pastors and churches to aid in developing Bible literacy in teenagers and helping them grow deep in their faith and the Scriptures. In 2022, Feed launched several important small-group studies that are impacting young people in churches across North America. These included:
Ekklesia - shares about the Greek word for church and being part of God’s family Transformed - addresses gender identity from a biblical perspective Who Am I? - covers the topic of bearing the image of God
OneHope has partnered with Zondervan in the release of The Telos Bible, a complete NIV Bible with special features designed to draw teenagers into the Word, show them how the Scriptures are relevant today, and help them develop a lifelong passion for daily interface with God’s Word. We’re excited to see how this new Bible complements the Feed program in helping teenagers develop a deep understanding of God’s Word and their faith.
The Telos Bible
View Sample
In countries where ministry is severely limited by cultural norms, government regulations, or persecution against Christians, we have limited access to share the Good News. For the safety of our partners, we do not identify these countries by name in print. OneHope partners in these regions are committed to reaching the next generation, and with your help we’re supplying them with the Scripture programs they need. Because the regions are diverse, the needs are diverse — and we’ve created many different types of programs to help young people experience God’s Word in a way that’s relevant to them, including:
The Bible App for Kids Book of Hope is a printed book with the eight main stories from the app. It’s the perfect companion to the Bible App for Kids, which is popular in many limited access nations, and it stands alone as well.
Bible App for Kids Book of Hope
What If It’s True? is a digital initiative that provides space for people to engage with life’s tough questions, begin on a journey through Scripture, and even meet up with a local believer in their area for further discipleship.
What If It’s True?
In Asia Pacific, many children lack knowledge of basic hygiene skills. World Without Sickness is a Scripture book that presents the power of God’s Word to transform and also focuses on cleanliness, hygiene, and fitness, which makes it welcome in many schools for its practical aid in keeping kids healthy.
World Without Sickness
OneHope created the God’s Big Story program, a collection of picture cards that depict Bible stories without written text, specifically for cultures that rely on oral traditions and storytelling because it can be used even among people who can’t read.
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Pray for unity among believers and for protection from persecution in limited access and Muslim regions. Pray for the 33.8 million in Africa that will encounter God’s Word in 2023.
Pray for Jesus to be made known throughout Asia, especially among unreached people groups and those living in areas that are difficult to access. Pray for the 53.6 million in Asia that will encounter God’s Word in 2023.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to break through the barriers of secularism, bring fire and life to new churches and revival to established ones. Pray for the 3.2 million in Europe that will encounter God’s Word in 2023.
Pray for peace, for protection from persecution for believers, and for open hearts among Muslim young people. Pray for the 5 million in the Middle East that will encounter God’s Word in 2023.
Middle East
Pray for healing of racial and social divides and for young people to receive the truth of God’s grace and love for all. Pray for the 2.6 million in North America that will encounter God’s Word in 2023.
North America
Pray for revival and renewal within Catholicism, for unity among all churches, and for peace in every nation. Pray for the 3.3 million in South America that will encounter God’s Word in 2023.
South America
Prayer Guide for the World
My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. Isaiah 56:7
Please pray for the next generation around the world and for our global partners as they present the Good News to children and youth.
Finances Leadership
OneHope’s founder, Bob Hoskins, reflects on how the Lord continues to work on our behalf, even when we don’t see it!
Letter from the Founder
Thank you for being faithful to the calling to support OneHope and the vision of God’s Word. Every Child. As you’ve read, in 2022 your dedication to this mission helped touch the lives of 139 million children and youth with the Good News! This kind of global outreach is made possible by the generosity and prayers of friends like you, and we are grateful. We’re dedicated to being Faithful to the Calling again in 2023, and we’re counting on you to move forward with us. Today, as always, it takes just 33¢ to engage one child with God’s Word. This means every $1 shares Jesus with 3 children and youth. It will be a privilege for OneHope to have your support and prayers today. How many children will you reach with God’s Word?
Thank You
OneHope Board of Directors
One of the core values of OneHope is, “We believe that we are accountable to God and man.” For the purposes of transparency and accountability, we include the numbers here to show you the sources of income for the ministry and how the resources are distributed to further the vision of God’s Word. Every Child. OneHope is a member in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has an annual, outside, independent audit. The charts below are part of this commitment to financial accountability.
We believe that we are accountable to God and man.
Dale Berkey (Chairman)
Chuck Gomes
Bobby Gruenewald
Lisa Stewart
Joe Champion
Stephan Tchividjian
Carolyn Haas
Dave Byker
Ryan Pinto
David Meyer
Give God's Word
Dear Friend, The power of God’s Word is amazing! Consider this … Nigerian Gospel singer Sinach was studying Genesis 12:1-3 and was stricken with the desire for all people to receive the encouragement of the Abrahamic blessing …
Founder Bob Hoskins
READ Prayer Guide
Go from your country, your family, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed. (MEV)
Inspired by God’s Word, she wrote the popular worship song “Way maker.” You probably know it: “Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper. Light in the darkness….” It became an anthem during the darkest days of the pandemic, encouraging multitudes. Perhaps my favorite line of this song, as it is sung in worship services, is: “Even when I don’t see it, You’re working.” This has been true of my life and ministry. 2023 marks my 80th year of full-time ministry, and here is what I have learned … 1. God intervenes — even when we don’t see it, He’s working. 2. Prayer changes things. No wonder 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 commands, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (NIV, emphasis added). So, I encourage you to keep the faith that God is working — keep faithful to His call to reach the children with the Word — and keep praying. We’ve included a prayer guide for the nations. I invite you to lift up the next generation and our partners regularly in the days ahead. Thank you, and God bless you!